What We Do
Most planning stops at cash flow modeling and investment allocation. In its highest form, planning can guide you along the way as you think about the changes in your life, what is important to you, and what you want to do about it. We help you through your many financial decisions as you emerge from what is to what can be.
Investment Management
How you invest is important. We help you establish and manage an investment strategy that balances income, growth and risk – all with an eye towards aligning your financial assets to support your lifestyle throughout your journey.
Risk Mitigation
Life events can cause sudden increases in expenses or decreases in income that can be life-altering or even catastrophic. Stress testing your financial plan enables you to consider proactive steps to mitigate such possibilities.
A single conversation across the table with a wise man is better than ten years mere study of books.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Plan • Nurture • Grow
Communication—on your terms.
We communicate with you however you want us to. Do you like details and numbers? Graphics and bullet points? Or maybe written aids such as agendas, summaries and meeting follow-up notes? Do you want to get right to the bottom line or take things sequentially, step-by-step? Do you prefer to move slowly or at a faster clip? What length of meeting do you find most productive? Do you like meetings in-person, by phone, or via video conference? We tailor our services to fit your preferences.
We listen and ask questions that will make you think.